
Hello to all our friends and family. As of Sep 2007, Robert and I are no longer dating. However, we will leave this blog up for memories of some of our fun trips and times spent together.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

More Photos from Sapporo

More photos of Sapporo from Robert! Included are some funny photos of interesting usages of the English language! I'm not even sure what to make of the bathhouse sign!

DEEPPRESSO! When you need a pick-me-down!
Photos of Sapporo. The radio tower looks a lot like France's Eiffel Tower to me!

Rob's friend Dennis from Lewis & Clark.

A J. Ro purse?


At 3:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is their an Eiffel Tower in Sapporo? Can you explain that, monkey?

At 3:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know why I wrote "their"

At 5:26 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Wow, Gretchen! What an adventure. And I just read your comment on my blog. YAY, I can't believe you're so close to where we might be. I'll for sure be in touch if we head that direction. Love all the fun info on your blog. Love, Summer


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